Wednesday, December 15, 2010

No Way Out!

After driving to first a fire department, then a local clinic and being refused to be seen by both, we end up at a hospital in Vancouver, WA (always need to clarify that so folks know it's not BC). Funny thing even though I was obviously so ill that doctors at the clinic refused to see me, I still had it in my head that I would be making it back to the memorial celebration.

That notion was about to change.

I should have had some idea that something was amiss when we got to the emergency room and they took me right in. I was still thinking great I'll be out of here at no time, never making note of the fact that this emergency room looked different. There were no doors on the rooms and the security seemed, well somewhat more... secure.

They ran test after test, no drugs in my system, not even any alcohol, but I still couldn't walk or eat anything and I was holding on fast to the ruse that I had no idea what was going on.

You see my parents were under the illusion that I had quit drinking some time ago and I was perfectly content to let that illusion continue. I mean it really wasn't any of their business and wasn't it time for them to go home anyway?

But no, they stayed.

I was now being interrogated by Doctors who were extremely concerned as the tests they had run showed that I had lost 50% of my liver function (not good). They were concerned that I might be dying. I didn't care. I just wanted to leave.

My Mom went and got me some food which I managed to choke down. I think if I remember right it was a strawberry milkshake and fish & chips from Burgerville (I'll share with you at some other time the food majesty of the Ville).

They ran more tests: no improvement in liver function.

I finally had to fess up to something, so I told them I had drank a lot the night before, celebrating, but that was it. The doctors told my parents a night of drinking would not cause this. They kept pressing. Finally, I gave in and told them all that I drank heavily every day and had never quit. It wasn't really a lie,  as I said before, it was none their business.

The doctors said "I had to stop drinking or I would die". They wanted me to go directly to detox. I refused and asked them if I could just stay at the hospital overnight. This, as it turns out, was not an option and neither was my getting up and leaving. I was just too sick.

Finally, I agreed and they got me into a nearby detox, that much to my chagrin had an open bed (this never happens).

Next: Detox was not detoxifying!

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